How to use your website as a tool

How to use your website as a tool

Whenever we get started on a website, our first priority is to learn about the advisor’s business. Who are they working with now (their existing clients) and who they would like to work with in the future? ( the goal clients) Once we learn about this, we gear the...
Family Day and Valentine Day’s posts

Family Day and Valentine Day’s posts

With a few upcoming holidays, this is a good time to show that financial advisor isn’t all about “finances” which is why we’ve created the following free social media posts about: Valentine’s Day Family Day Oh and another tip, make sure you share some local family day...
Writing your biography (for advisors!)

Writing your biography (for advisors!)

When I get started on a website, I always ask the advisor if they have a bio available.. The answer I usually get is.. “No but I’ll write one up-” and then weeks later it doesn’t happen. But that’s okay, it’s hard to write about yourself, especially when you’re trying...
Winter Holiday Social Posts

Winter Holiday Social Posts

Winter holidays can be crazy-busy times… That’s why we’ve put together a free social media to post about: Holiday Hours Happy Holidays Christmas 2018 New Year Just trying to make life a little easier....
Client Appreciation Events

Client Appreciation Events

Client appreciation events make clients feel appreciated, and appreciated ones are more likely to stick around. Arranging client appreciation events is important for financial advisors as they help them in getting more referrals from a strong and more loyal client...
How to use your infographic content

How to use your infographic content

Infographics are engaging, persuasive and memorable. Clients are visual learners, we take complicated financial concepts and break them down to who it’s for, the benefits and why it works. There are many ways to use infographic content besides posting it on your...