When it comes to the actual business side of being a financial advisor – like helping clients increase their wealth and prepare for their retirement years – you’re all set!

However, using digital marketing to keep clients and prospects up to date about your services? That’s something you may need a little help with.

And that’s fine! We’re here to tell you about three great digital marketing strategies you can use to attract more clients. They are:

  1. Branding

  2. Social media marketing

  3. Email marketing

1. Branding

While branding used to be only associated with big companies like Nike and Coca-Cola, now it’s common for small financial advisor businesses and even independent advisors to get on board with branding.

With branding, you need to know what you or your firm’s unique selling proposition (USP) is – what sets you apart from everyone else. A USP helps you stand out from all other investment options that prospects can choose from – such as robo-advisors and full-service brokerage companies and banks.

Once you have your USP, you need to make it the core of your marketing strategy to help convince clients why you’re a better choice than your competitors.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social media is no longer a novelty – it’s here to stay! While it can be a little daunting to figure out how to get started on social media and position your message effectively, it’s well worth the time and effort.

You can attract new clients using target messaging across multiple platforms with social media. Here are a few ways to promote your services on social media:

Promote your digital marketing materials such as articles and blog posts.

Interact with prospects via social selling.

Use hashtags (you can even make up your own!) relevant to the content you’re posting.

3. Email Marketing

While social media is excellent, it certainly hasn’t replaced email when it comes to marketing. Email marketing is essential to maintain a good connection with all of your clients.

With email newsletters, you’re keeping yourself top-of-mind with clients and prospects. Plus, you’re allowing yourself to cross-sell any relevant financial products associated with your newsletter content.

You can also use metrics gained from your emails (such as click rates and open rates) to determine which financial topics are of the most interest to your current and prospective clients.

Ready to get started?

We realize that it can still be overwhelming to get started with digital marketing for your financial advisor business, even with these strategies. So, if you’d like to learn more about putting these strategies into place, we can help – click here to get started!