If you want to help your financial advisor business grow, then you’ve got to have a strong marketing plan.  These are four great ways to improve your success rate when it comes to digital marketing. 

1. Define Your Target Audience 

The key to getting started with a successful digital marketing plan is to define your target audience. Ask yourself:

  1. Who are your current clients, and who do you want as future clients? 

  2. What kinds of products and services are your clients looking for? 

  3. What sources do your clients use to obtain financial information? 

  4. Are your clients looking for long or short-term solutions – or both? 

  5. What makes you stand out from other financial advisors? 

2. Have a Strong Website 

A website to promote your business is no longer a “nice to have” – nowadays, it’s a must-have. A website is a vital tool to help prospective clients find you and learn about what you can offer them.

Your website must:

  • Clearly indicate what products and services you sell.

  • Provide details about you and your qualifications.

  • Provide an easy way to make an appointment or request more information.

Prospective clients don’t want to wade through pages of text!  Instead, they want to quickly and easily find out what you do and how they can contact you.

3. Create Quality Content 

The key to engaging your clients – whether on your website, through your emails, or social media – is to create quality content that focuses on solving problems your clients may have. 

Not sure where to start? A great place to start is focusing on the most common questions you receive from your current clients. A set of blog posts that answer these questions tells your existing clients that you’re listening and helps engage potential clients.

Creating quality content can help build your reputation as a trusted advisor. It also gives you a way to keep in touch with people who visit your site by alerting them when you have a new post. 

4. Connect With Your Audience on Social Media

Once you have identified your target audience and know where they spend most of their time online – it’s time to meet them there! Pick the social media platform your clients and prospective clients are the most active on and start building your presence there.

Need Help Getting Started?

You’ve got a lot to do to create a winning marketing strategy, from being up to date on the latest trends to keeping your website and social media content fresh. So if you’re looking for help with any aspect of your digital marketing, we’re here to help!